As a new business owner, Carol McCue wants her customers to remember their TapSnap experience as something special, so she’s always trying to think of ways to give her customers and their guests something extra above and beyond what’s expected.
When she had a wedding the day before Mother’s Day, she purchased frames so people could print out a picture of themselves and their families and slip it inside the card as a nice keepsake for Mother’s Day.
It doesn’t seem like much, but it’s the little things like that people remember, and win customers.
Sometimes you want to give people something more memorable than a banana holder or a vacuum cleaner for their wedding gift. Experiences can become memories that last forever.
TapSnap franchisee Carol McCue noticed a trend in her first month of business – people were using TapSnap as their wedding gift solution.
“Last Saturday, the uncle had been asked to videotape the wedding and figured renting the TapSnap would get him off the hook,” she says.
In these situations she realized it’s important to make the bride aware of the gift beforehand, so the bride isn’t surprised to have TapSnap turn up on her wedding day.
“When it’s a gift, it’s nice to present it like a gift,” says McCue, who makes sure to get a great picture of the bride and groom present it in a frame in a gift bag tied with ribbons that match the wedding’s theme colors.
“That’s the type of thing that helps sell TapSnap,” she says.