As baseball season approaches, it's about time you gathered some inspiration for your game viewing parties, little league tournaments, and baseball fanatic birthday parties.
Our suggestion for your events? Adding a TapSnap photo booth with custom baseball themed graphics. Keep reading to have a behind the scenes look at the baseball themed photo experience TapSnap created for this FOX Sports Midwest event.
Related: Why Every Sports Tournament Should Have A Photo Booth
Lucky guests got to sit behind the FOX Sports Midwest broadcast desk at The Cardinals' Winter Warm-Up... or did they? The TapSnap team in St Louis knocked this preseason baseball event out of the park when they brought this illusion to life.
The Winter Warm-Up is a fan festival and fundraising event for the St Louis Cardinals, with all proceeds going to Cardinals care, the St Louis Cardinals' non-profit organization. Winter Warm Up is a chance for fans to interact with the team and the brand prior to the baseball season, Shelby Akos with Fox Sports explained. This was a busy occasion with around 7,000 Cardinals fans attending the 3 day festival for the interactive booths, giveaways, kids zones and chances to meet players and hosts.
Related: Fox Sports Gives Hockeytown Fans the TapSnap Experience
Tony Williams Sr, TapSnap franchise owner in St Louis, has worked with the Midwest branch of FOX Sports for 3 years now for this specific event. By bringing plenty of green screen fabric, custom graphics, and his trusty TapSnap 42 photo booth, he created the broadcast desk illusion for the guests. You can see below how the guests weren't actually sitting at the desk, but were in fact sitting on chairs draped in green screen material with a green screen behind them. Once the photo was taken a custom overlay and background was applied to each photo to create the broadcast desk and the studio. The FOX Sports newscaster microphone props added to the flawless illusion.
Tony was thrilled to work an event that created such a cool experience for the guests but was said that it was an even more incredible experience because the Cardinals are his team! "Having the opportunity to team up with our local FOX Sports team again to bring the very best of TapSnap to Cardinal Nation was a great opportunity for us. Our town, Our team, Our photo booth – a great combination" said Tony.
If you want to hit a home run with your team and book a TapSnap experience for your next event, click this button to get the process started!