Planning a party can be a stressful and crazy time. We've put together a few reminders of things you might forget about.
It’s almost guaranteed that some of your guests won’t have been to your venue before, even if it is just your home. Ensure there are obvious signs to the bathroom, to the exit, to the yard etc. Also don’t forget to put up signs to areas of the venue that are off limits, like the room you’ve crammed all of your mess into when tidying for the party.

Think Ahead
Like a boy scout, be prepared. Try to be prepared for some things that are more than likely to happen, for example:
- More people could turn up than you’re expecting- How can you accommodate them?
- Someone could spill red wine- Do you have salt and something to dab with?
- People might bring gifts- Where will you put them?

Thinking ahead on these kind of things will result in less stress when any of the inevitable things do happen. Make a list of things you're worried might go wrong with your party, and think about how you'd deal with each of them.
Related: What To Do If You Have Bad Weather On Your Event Date
Check For Allergies and Dietary Requirements
Nothing ruins a party like an allergic reaction. You might not think that your guests or friends have allergies, but this could be because they hide it so well. In the interest of your event running smoothly you'll need to ask all of your party guests and any plus ones if they have allergies or dietary requirements. When you're serving food make sure you know what the ingredients are. If you bought the food be sure to keep the packaging to be able to check the ingredients if someone asks, or if you're using a caterer they'll be able to provide you with allergen information for the food.

Have Activity Options
Having different areas for guests to visit and different things to do breaks up the party and keeps your guests engaged and interested. A photo booth will be a welcome break from eating and milling. A fun photo booth will remind your guests they’re having a great time and will be a bonding activity for guests who are just meeting. No matter what kind of party you’re having, a photo booth will fit right in.

Related: How to Turn a Wallflower Into the Life of the Party at Your Event
Relax and Go With The Flow
Your party plans will not always work out. This is an inconvenient truth. You can have a solid plan with military timings but when it comes down to it people are unpredictable. Your guests might end up really loving doing an activity that you’d only imagined making a small part of your event. Often in these cases it’s best to go with the flow, let your guests play cornhole for the whole afternoon and sit back and pour yourself a large glass of wine knowing you did a job well done as long as your guests have smiles on their faces.

Hopefully you're feeling more prepared for your party now. If you're wondering where you can find a photo booth to add to your event, look no further.