Why Use a Photo Booth as a Brand Activation at Sporting Events?

By Claire Nagle

img_gs_gif_184014796_05052018_184046088Sporting events draw enthusiastic crowds, offering a perfect stage for brands to connect with their target audience. Among the various marketing strategies, photo booths have emerged as a standout tool for brand activations. Here’s why incorporating a photo booth at a sporting event is a winning move for your brand:

1. Engagement and Interaction

Photo booths offer a fun, interactive experience that draws people in. Sporting event attendees, already in high spirits, are likely to engage with a photo booth, making it an excellent way to create a memorable brand experience. TapSnap often uses green screen technology to make attendees part of the activation.

Hockeytown-pic-with-Fox-sports-screen-300x199-32. Social Media Amplification

Modern photo booths often come equipped with instant sharing capabilities. Attendees can post their branded photos on social media, expanding your reach beyond the event itself. Each shared photo acts as organic advertising, boosting your brand’s visibility.

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3. Data Collection

Many photo booths allow for easy data collection, such as email addresses or social media handles, in exchange for a digital copy of the photo. This enables brands to build a database of potential customers for future marketing efforts.

4. Customization and Branding

Photo booths can be customized with your brand’s logo, colors, and messaging. The props and backdrops can be tailored to reflect your brand identity, ensuring that every photo taken serves as a branded souvenir.


5. Enhanced Event Experience

A photo booth adds an element of fun and excitement to the event. It can be a key attraction, enhancing the overall experience for attendees. When people associate your brand with positive experiences, it fosters brand loyalty.


6. Memorability

Photos capture moments and create lasting memories. When attendees take home branded photos, they have a tangible reminder of the event and your brand. This long-lasting impression can be more impactful than traditional advertising methods.

7. Versatility

Photo booths can be adapted to fit any sporting event, from local tournaments to major league games. Whether it’s an indoor arena or an outdoor field, a photo booth can be set up to engage attendees and promote your brand effectively.


8. Increased Foot Traffic

A photo booth can attract attendees to your booth or activation area, increasing foot traffic and providing opportunities for direct engagement with potential customers. This can lead to more meaningful interactions and higher conversion rates.

9. Sponsorship Opportunities

If you're sponsoring a sporting event, a branded photo booth can enhance your sponsorship presence. It provides additional value to the event organizer while prominently showcasing your brand to attendees.



Incorporating a photo booth as part of your brand activation at sporting events can provide numerous benefits. From increasing engagement and social media exposure to creating lasting memories and collecting valuable data, photo booths are a versatile and effective marketing tool. They offer a unique way to connect with your audience, leaving a positive and lasting impression of your brand.




Topics: Corporate Events Sporting Events Super Bowl Events sponsorship PhotoBooth Fundraisers Gala Donations donors Fundraising Golf GolfTournament brand activation brand exposure brand visibility sponsor benefits photo marketing branded photo experiences event photography sponsor promotion tournament entertainment sponsor recognition photo booths hockey football basketball
